Have you ever waited for a phone call? Like a phone call from a loved one that you were worried about, one who should be home by now, but is not...such as a child out socializing, a partner late from work or travelling...seconds seem like years yes?
Have you ever waited to do something important until the moment is just right, like for example working out, or chasing a dream you may have.
Have you ever waited to hear a yes/no answer from an institution that would decide which road you take... seems like FOREVER in this instance!!! Have you ever waited for a cheque in the mail?
What about waiting to deliver a baby?
Waiting for morning...
Waiting for evening...
Waiting until it stops raining to go for a walk...waiting for something to download/upload/reload...whatever....
I don't know why I'm worked up about waiting...but I am...just wondering if we added up "waiting time" (after a clear definition of course...) what would the answer be...there must be a study on this somewhere... PAUSE...
Yesterday, I decided not to wait and I walked in the woods while it was raining. It was so beautiful. It was a gentle rain, but cool and refreshing. The fresh scents of spring in the air, the sound of the rain and wind in the trees, the fog on my glasses, the droplets of water on the leaves, the wet mushy leaves on the ground, the movement of water in the little pond...hundreds of tiny moving circles brought to life with every little drop from the sky, the sounds of the dogs shaking the rain off their heads,the sight of the dog rolling in the wet brownish, but freshly exposed grass, smiling with tongue hanging out...Glad I did not WAIT for the rain to stop.