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Monday, August 13, 2012


My feet are feeling the heat from the perfect fire that burns in front of me. I am on a get-away vacation for a few days and this is where I ended up. Milford  House in South Milford, NS. I am sure that this has got to be the perfect place... where I am sitting I mean, and the Milford House itself. My inside & outside surroundings are beautiful. A gentle breeze blows through the cabin as the fire roars creating a nice balance of warmth and fresh air. The lake outside the cabin is perfectly still except for the raindrops that disturb it creating thousands of little circles on the water. I can hear the rain on the cabin roof in a regular rhythm and the wind blowing through the trees.  I am happy that it has rained. It is refreshing and cleansing and  the perfect time for a fire. If it wouldn’t seem insane, I would go lie down on the dock for a moment, enjoy the rain and then come curl up inside. Instead, I might just go for a walk in the woods. Later when the rain stops I will go for a paddle in the canoe. I was not as brave as my lover who chose to  go for a padle anyway. I might get dressed today, I might not. IT’S THAT KIND OF DAY.
There is something special about this cabin. Everything about it reminds me of good things, like the curtains for example, they remind me of a childhood mother’s day project. We used Styrofoam meat trays and glued a squiggly patterned trim around the edges and pasted a carefully chosen picture of ourselves in the centre.  The same trim is on the curtains in this cabin. I have not thought of this project in many years, but it brings me good feelings to remember how my mother made such a big deal over it and pretended it was the most perfect gift ever created. I like the scent of the wood, the upholstery on the couch, the quilt on the bed, the simplicity of it all.

Last night I quite possibly had the best sleep of my life. Free from the distractions of everyday life. No Internet, no TV. I confess though, my radio is never far from me, but I even turned that off for a while.
This morning I made coffee in the BODUM, something I only occasionally do at home because of the rush of mornings. It was delightful and tasty indeed.
I might be forced to sit and read my book while I wait for my lover to return from her rainy canoe excursion. I can see her in the distance. I’m going to move myself outside now. I hear nothing except birds, wind, water and my own thoughts. I need to make this a habit.

Friday, August 3, 2012


This morning I walked to a bakery in Montreal and got me some fresh croissants. There was a warm breeze and the sun was just becoming strong. Then I enjoyed these delights with  some coffee and a good friend. We talked and laughed and ate and laughed. Good times. So much to be grateful for. Looking forward to some more time in Montreal,

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Best Nap Ever

Yesterday I took myself for a nice long bike ride. It was such a beautiful, hot day that I couldn't resist. There was no real wind to speak of, which is great for biking, but every now and then gentle warm breeze came and went. I  stayed off the main roads choosing a nearby trail. I  didn't have to go too far to find quietness and beauty around here (Needed some of that). I packed a small picnic, a book and headed out. My intention was to bike to the beach but there was one place on the trail where I  stopped for a moment & looked around at the beautiful surroundings. I immediately made the decision to stop & rest for a moment right where I was. I pulled into the woods, parked my bike and layed down in the tall grass, took it all in. I was slightly overcast and the threat of a shower was lingering. I  might have welcomed a brief refreshing  rain shower.  It was so silent except for the birds. I  closed my eyes briefly to  block the sun and to my surprise, twenty minutes later I woke up. It was the best nap I have had in a long while, and who knew but my body that I needed one.I  ate my watermelon,  sat with my  thoughts for a moment, and continued my  journey. I had a new sense of  vigor and a renewed sense of appreciating  special moments when they happen. Our summer is so short, best to enjoy it while it lasts. I never made it to the beach. That will have to wait for another special moment.

Friday, July 6, 2012

We do not HAVE to March...Reflections on Pride week.

 PRIDE week has rolled around once again, and once again I have spend a good bit of my time pondering if PRIDE week is losing its importance for me. I asked myself questions like, Is Pride Week necessary anymore? We have equal rights now I told myself, and we can pretty much come and go as we please (At least in this country). I don't feel threatened when I walk down the street. Do we need such visibility? Do  we need to be "seen"? Do we really need a parade? Why exactly are we marching down the street anyway? Is PRIDE relevant anymore or has it  served its purpose?

Initially I decided that PRIDE week really has no place in my personal life anymore and that it had mostly become a reason for the young people to party. But then I considered how much of a place PRIDE had in my heart.
Many years back, after a series of life events, and in an effort to meet people,  I  contacted PEI PRIDE and through the committee I met so many wonderful people at a time when I may have otherwise been alone. I am still friends with most of those people. I considered the role that PRIDE has played in getting us to where we are today in terms of rights and freedoms and decided I could not  ignore this week as an "unimportant"  thing. PRIDE has helped so many like- minded people come together, have fun and most importantly feel safe doing so.

I thought of the young man who was murdered in Halifax a few months back, Raymond Taavel was his name.
And then I recalled how so many people who knew him through PRIDE, and even those who did not, gathered in the street to honor his memory  and how Facebook was full of the PRIDE flags as a gesture of solidarity and respect. Then I decided that YES, there  are lots of reasons to celebrate and to be seen.  No, we may not HAVE to march , but we CAN and that  in itself is something to celebrate.

Once a year, a week of celebration of something we may have in common, a week of  celebration also of the diversity among us. This is  a week to see old friends, to dance, to sing, and to respect difference. It is a week to  remember what PRIDE has meant to us in the past or does mean to us now. This week we can celebrate  the youth who can foster pride in themselves and not feel ashamed. They might not feel like they are so alone. This week is for the children of gay parents as they  grow up, to celebrate their lives, and their Moms and Dads.

I thought about the beauty and the simplicity of the PRIDE flag in all its glory and I knew that this colourful  symbol would be a part of my life forever, no matter if i participate or not. The flag is  ours, a universal symbol of promise and peace.  A welcoming symbol on any door or window when travelling, a symbol of unity and  endurance.

If  for a moment I lose my enthusiasm surrounding PRIDE week I need only to think of the  meaning behind the colours in the flag, meanings that do  not  need a week, but are useful as daily whisperings for anyone.

RED for life and pride in our daily lives and the way we live them, the way we treat others. ORANGE for healing and as a community & there is no shortness of that  to do. YELLOW for Sunshine, which everyone enjoys, and the time we celebrate. GREEN for Nature so lets  respect what's natural in us and others, BLUE for Harmony which we absolutely want, and last  but  not least PURPLE for spirit,  so lets celebrate Pride week  in the  spirit it is intended , in the  spirit of inclusion, visibility, diversity, and  of course, pride in who we have been, in who we are and who we might become.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Been Busy

Hi  Everyone,
I have not forgotten that I maintain a blog. I have been busy with all sorts of  great things. I have been writing a lot and am very happy about that. I'll be back soon I  promise, stay tuned! One of these days I  may be organized enough to   write posts in advance...but for now, please be patient.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Lovely New Agenda

This morning I accidentally  started my day an hour early. I woke up at 3:50 thinking it was 4:50 and got up. I found my workout clothes in the dark (strategically placed the night before), made my way to the kitchen, fed the cat, got the coffee underway and headed to the basement to workout. I am off to a great start in 2012 I think to myself.
Now, with all my morning preparations done I have an hour to spare and feel I  should utilize it wisely.
The start of a new year, a contemplative time. Rose Vaughan is on the radio singing Stone, Sand, Sea and Sky. She has such a beautiful, contemplative voice. 
I'm listening to that woman who hosts Halifax's CBC radio early morning program. Gawd, I should know her name. Right, Louise Renault, That's her name. She has a great radio voice for this time of day. Listening to her first thing in the morning is great. She has such a soothing gentle "time to get up soon" voice. She's on for 20 minutes or so before our local program kicks in and things take a brisk turn towards a "GET UP NOW!" kind of voice.

Yup...The frenzy of the season (whatever this means to you) has passed and now we look forward... Most of us thinking about goals and objectives for a minute.
Some of mine that I would like to share:
Well, guess that's enough for now. These seem doable. 
I love the freshness of a new year, like the first page of a  new journal.