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Monday, December 21, 2009
Yuletide tale #3
Guess that post a story daily thing did not go so well...but I'm on it, so stay tuned and sing Oh Christmas Tree to get you in the mood.
ZA x
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Yuletide Thoughts #1 SANTA...
Well, here we are again, Christmas. How did that happen? Seems we just packed up the decorations from last year and had just moved on but here we are again. I am thinking that each day until Christmas if I can be so disciplined I will post a personal Christmas memory, or a memory someone has related to me. (how interesting!) But hey, in the meantime I may prompt another to have a special...or not so special Christmas memory.
I love this time of the year, nothing to do with Christ or with mass. (although I will admit I love a good ritual, a joy-filled choir singing their hearts out, and, well...a good version of Silent Night always makes me cry) We'll get to the Jesus part later...
For me, it has more to do with the feelings surrounding this time of year. The memories...ah the memories wah....
My earliest memory of Christmas involves my mother convincing me that she and my cousin had just seen Santa and his reindeer flying through the sky and then landing on the house next door as they sat in the window watching the snow fall, playing cards and sucking back a Rothmans. All such a comfort as the wood stove in the kitchen warmed us up and baked our bread. This was her way of getting me to bed I guess...She had me so convinced of it that I actually saw them myself. They were real at that moment and it was magic and wonderful. It helped my mother's case that the announcer on VOCM radio was saying that there had just been a sighting of Santa and his reindeer in the St. John's area. I was a bit freaked out, took this all very seriously,ran up the old stairs and jumped right into bed beside my big brother and tried to force myself to fall asleep before him.
I have no memory of the next morning so unfortunately I have to end that part of the story here but lets assume Santa did arrive and I did have a present the next morning. I even had heard the thump when he landed on our roof & fell through the chimney. I still believe I saw Santa and his reindeer that night...I did, real or imagined...I saw them and I will always have my mother to thank for that magical moment whatever her motives might have been. This one my one and only sighting of Santa. I was probably five years old but it seems like yesterday. I remember it as if it was real. My mother was quite skilled in making imagined things become real.
Years later When I was nine I found two garbage bags in my parents closet, both full of toys and Christmas things which I immediately knew were for me, my brother and my new little sister. I knew they were from Santa. At that moment I knew that Santa must not be real, but I carefully placed the bags back in the exact position I found them just in case Santa had just stored them there because he might run out of space or something. I knew not to mention this and although inside I knew it was all a lie, I carried on the next day pretending to believe.
After all, that was the year I received Hugo Man of A thousand Faces, a Makin Faces clown make up kit and a gigantic colouring book almost as big as me, so even if Santa did not exist...well, I still believed in him. Nobody ever told me Santa was not real. I just knew. It was still like magic, I went to bed crayonless, I woke up to find 64 brand new fresh Crayola crayons to compliment my new colouring book. Eventually my Mother told me that we had to pay Santa for the things he brought, so if we got less, it was not because we were "naughty" or that we were on the "bad" list, it was just that they could only pay Santa a certain amount that year. I believed her...sounded reasonable...but the Santa part...I let that go...I knew what she meant.
We were poor but who knew, I didn't.
As an adult I visited Iceland and enjoyed a fine meal of reindeer...felt weird about that!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009
Knotty Trees

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sitting here in my window for the 1/2 hr I do have before I must head out...the sun is starting to light up the dew kissed grass which is getting greener and soon will be ready for mowing. It is quiet; I can only hear the tiny whistling snore of of the dog who is asleep on the floor, the the sound of my fingers pounding on the keyboard, and the slurp of my coffee which I must drink faster than I would like.
I have just made a decision to have a good day no matter where I am. My choice yes?
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Have you ever waited for a phone call? Like a phone call from a loved one that you were worried about, one who should be home by now, but is not...such as a child out socializing, a partner late from work or travelling...seconds seem like years yes?
Have you ever waited to do something important until the moment is just right, like for example working out, or chasing a dream you may have.
Have you ever waited to hear a yes/no answer from an institution that would decide which road you take... seems like FOREVER in this instance!!! Have you ever waited for a cheque in the mail?
What about waiting to deliver a baby?
Waiting for morning...
Waiting for evening...
Waiting until it stops raining to go for a walk...waiting for something to download/upload/reload...whatever....
I don't know why I'm worked up about waiting...but I am...just wondering if we added up "waiting time" (after a clear definition of course...) what would the answer be...there must be a study on this somewhere... PAUSE...
Yesterday, I decided not to wait and I walked in the woods while it was raining. It was so beautiful. It was a gentle rain, but cool and refreshing. The fresh scents of spring in the air, the sound of the rain and wind in the trees, the fog on my glasses, the droplets of water on the leaves, the wet mushy leaves on the ground, the movement of water in the little pond...hundreds of tiny moving circles brought to life with every little drop from the sky, the sounds of the dogs shaking the rain off their heads,the sight of the dog rolling in the wet brownish, but freshly exposed grass, smiling with tongue hanging out...Glad I did not WAIT for the rain to stop.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
They sure did let it shine, and while this is not the exact performance we saw, it is almost the same...same spirit, same joy, same little lights shinning! It was very bright in the room.
Last week a friend and I went to see an African children's choir. (check out their website). I was moved by the spirit of the children who have been through so much yet were singing their little hearts out joyfully. Their faces shining, their white-toothed smiles surrounded by brown skin making their joy even more evident. They danced enthusiastically in brightly coloured clothing demonstrating and celebrating the traditions of different countries and regions of Africa. Never have I seen such movements, especially in children. The music was beautiful... little hands pounding drums and little voices blending together.
The children range in age from seven to eleven. Most of the children are orphans who have been helped by an organization called Music for Life. They come from all parts of the continent. They are children that may not otherwise have nourishment or life's other basic needs due to circumstances such as AIDS, or civil unrest. These children would have normally lived with few smiles. The organization provides the children with education and life's basic needs, including nurturing. They attend a music camp for several months and if lucky they get to be chosen for the choir. As members of the choir they get to travel to places well beyond their young imaginations. Not only does the choir provide them with opportunities as children though, as they get older the organization provides tuition and training. The objective is to educate some of Africa's most venerable children giving them a chance to give back to Africa. Many of the children go on to become professionals, others choose vocational and technical training , all of which helps Africa in the end because they return to their homeland to work. Sounds like a very good plan. There were many testimonies of adults who have been members of the choir in the past. It was very moving.
As part of the program the children introduced themselves... "My name is Anne or Billy...or whatever and I when I grow up I want to be a ??" It was very cute. Each child said the same line as I quoted above. There were many who wanted to be doctors, lawyers, pilots, one bank manager, a few teachers, and a social workers. So, maybe five or six different career choices. I assumed that recent travel encouraged the high number of "pilot" choices, and that these children really only had exposure to so many careers.
I was particularly moved by one little girl who changed up the line a bit and stated most definitively "My name is Anne and I AM to be a Dr." She believed it and so did I. It made me reflect on the use of language. Perhaps she said it like that on purpose; perhaps she just did not know how else to say it, either way though she made me think about goals and messages we send to ourselves. I now have a note posted near my computer. "I AM to be a novelist". Just trying it out for a while, can't hurt.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Writing, procrastination

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Break Time & Pony Tails

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
This was a long and frustrating trip back from the Rock. Sorry about the swear word for more sensitive ears, but when I'm in Newfie mode, I swear it just happens.
Also, I have just posted a new entry, but it is showing as Feb 17 because that is when I started it and did not get back to it until yesterday. ("Eatin Stuff") Guess that's how it goes..remember I'm still in learning mode. So, enjoy. The birds are chirping outside my window, springy feeling, but just a tease I think. Rapid freeze warning today...hmmm.
Later, Za
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wintery Morning

I so don't know what I'm doin, I wanted these photos to be in certain spots throughout the text.
I don't really appreciate winter much aside from mornings like this and an occasional cross country ski day. And I will admitt, a good ol storm day when you are forced to stay home and drink hot chocolate is not so bad either, and well, there is somethings about building a snow figure (not sure when a "snowman" became a "snow figure" ...hmmm, most likely during a women's study class covering the use of sexist language...ANYWAY...). Yeah, so then after taking in all in and taking a few shots I came back in the house and carried on as usual.
These are a few shots from the backyard...oh, and meet Sappho. Testing this video thingy. Yeah and I'll work on the format of where to place
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Eatin stuff

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thanks so much for your comments everyone. This is all very fun so far. Please stay tuned as Dose Of ZA and Za evolve...who knows what's to come...
Tara, I loved your description of what you would do if love strikes you...such a poet you.
Bon, I plan to dedicate some time to reading your blog and navigating your site. It looks awesome. I actually decided to do this after metting you & co. at the SS. Yes, think you are right...weird public monologue...that's why I think I might get hooked.
Allycat...yes, I personally am submerged in I do believe you can be in I have no clue how I got here, if I'll drown, boil, or where I shall end up, but so far so good.
GV, We had fun too. Yes, we are in very good shape to be so blessed. (for lack of a better non- religious wd here) Back to writing now...goodnight everyone. ZA
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's day