As part of the 75th anniversary celebrations CBC has been airing quick flicks of old shows. There they were on the screen several pairs of forty somethings, happily resting toddlers on their hips, talking about how Mr. Dress Up influenced them as parents and as people. As they spoke they flashed to various episodes. I cried a bit at the sights and sounds of Mr. Dress up drawing with a marker on his easel. Then I got to wondering, "Really Za, what the heck?" They end each flashback segment with that very distinct CBC sound, followed by a voice over, "CBC, yours to Celebrate", then I got to pondering how much a part of my life CBC has been. I determined that it has been a very important part of who I have become. Not just Mr. Dress Up though, but others like the Friendly Giant.
Every morning at 10:15 I would hear the theme song to the Friendly Giant, something so inviting about the softness of the harp and the flute. For some reason I can't explain, I happen to know the lyrics to this song and so in my moment of reflection, my 42 year old self sang it ...out loud, alone in my basement at 5:30 AM while I walked, keeping my hips in rhythm before they ceased up.
"Early one morning before the sun had risen, I saw a bright star in fields gayley singing, Bluebirds were singing, south winds were blowing." ETC...
Such a pretty song. God, I thought to myself, I must have PMS. I continued to ponder. As a child I wanted to be David Suzuki. I loved how he spent time with nature, explained things. I learned so much from him. I think he is the reason that every now and then I can't resist the urge to get "natural" in nature. Who knows? I loved watching the CBCevening news with my father, even though I could have cared less about what was happening in the world. Still today, I go to bed every night with Peter Mansbridge. What ever shall I ever do when he retires? And something about the CBC logo, I don't know, such a part of me, both radio and TV.
For me, a long road trip would not be the same without the comforting companionship of my CBC radio. It doesn't matter what's on there. On a recent trip through the mountains in BC, feeling isolated and far from other people I rounded a corner and saw an official road sign indicating where to find CBC radio on the dial and suddenly I did not feel so alone.
Many years ago at an interview for a job at the Steak and Stein the interviewer asked me what I might like to do given the choice of anything. The young me said I would like to work at CBC radio. I didn't get the Steak and Stein job--thankfully, but isn't retrospect is a wonderful thing? That would have been the day to go home, sit and fill out my application for a journalism program, but no, instead that same week I accepted a job at a pharmacy. Oh dear, getting side tracked again.
My point is that CBC is a huge and very important part of me and and who I have become. It is like a family member. The characters from my past like pseudo grandparents or something. Between the two of them in particular (Mr. D and Friendly G) my imagination was stimulated daily. I learned to create, sing, share, put my toys away, be kind, put my crayons back in the package, ask older people for advice, (remember Wise Old Owl), respect difference, love animals and perhaps most importantly ,that I as a little person, had value. Well thanks so much CBC!
On September 17th, 2001 I wrote in my journal, "AM: Mr. Dress up had a stroke. PM:Mr. Dress up died."
I remember taking the time on my break at work (at the pharmacy) to jot this important info down.
I Did the same with the Friendly Giant on May 15th, 2000 "Pretty cold outside today...Friendly Giant died."
Who knew I'd be writing about it all so many years later. (Maybe I did.) I heard both announcements onCBC Radio and I remember the brief but sad feeling that came over me.
Often people mock me for listening to my CBC radio, stating how they can't stand all the talk. I have to wonder the same about their choice to listen to private radio with all the noisy ads. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It continues to be a big part of my adult life. Ponder. Express gratitude
An earwig just crawled across my keyboard. Not sure from where he came. I just watched his frantic movements. He is in such a hurry. Creepy, but no need to kill him really. A good distraction. South Winds are blowing today...
Time to go, grab my ipod nano, tune into CBC and take the dogs for a walk on this beautiful warm windy day, before Mother Nature has a mood swing.
Hi Za: Thanks for this. I love that you are a CBC fanatic. I really love the CBC too. I listen to radio 2 and sometimes radio 1. I don't really listen to any other stations. Re: favourite kids shows - Because I spent my young childhood in the U.S. it was "Mr. Rogers" for me. Loved that show!
thanks for the cbc-retro. just reminiscing with dd about mr. dress-up the other day.
another blogger i read (which are few)) is doing posts about the cbc of late
are you friends of the cbc? is a group of people working hard to keep the cbc, as the feds keep trying to ... do what they do;]
thanks for the dose za!
ok so who needs meditation; just watch the friendly giant; so sweet and gentle, ta za
We're on the same wavelength, you and me! In the fullness of time, I'll be doing a "CBC Memories" post on Mr D and Friendly G too! Friendly was a pivotal influence in my life and that's not an overstatement. His books and music fed my wee culture-starved soul. Because of him, I became a voracious reader and have been playing the recorder now for over 40 years! So wonderful to see that video clip too.
Loved your blog post! I'll make sure to share your post with our followers :)
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